What Is Kali Linux?
Kali Linux is a debian-based Linux disribution. kali linux made for advanced penetration testing and security researcher. Kali Linux is a bunch of Cyber Security, Computer Forensics, Reverse Enginnering and Penetration Testing Tools, more then 600 tools available in kali linux. Funded and mainted by Offensive Security in 13th march 2003.
Kali Linux is a Hacker's Favorite Operating System, because every type attacking and cyber threading tools available. Best Designed GUI (Graphical User Interface) And Command Line (Non GUI) for hacking. Both Type Hackers use it, Blackhat Hackers and WhiteHat Hackers. It is a Open source Operatiing System, and it is also most popular operating system.
Kali Linux is a my favorite Operating system to perform attack.
Advantage Of kali Linux.
Open source operting system- It is available for free, any can install and can use it easly.
Maintaining - Maintaining is best advantage for users, It is maitined by Offensive Security.
Updated Version is released- Updated Version is released time to time of kali linux.
Bugs and disadvantage Are Patched- Any type of bugs and disadvantages are patched with new update (always use latest updated version).
Bunch of cyber security tools- More then 600 hacking tools available in kali linux.
It is supported many laguages- It is supported many languages Tools or multiple languages.
Othe Tool- Any tools Can be installed in kali Linux without any distubing.
Pre-Installed Tools Lists.
Information Gathering
Vulnerability Analysis
Web Application Analysis
Database Assessment
Password Attacks
Wireless Attacks
Reverse Engineering
Exploitation Tools
Sniffing And Spoofing
Post Explotation
Reporting Tools
Social Engineering Tools
Top Most Dngerous Tools.
1. Nmap - Nmap is called network-mapper. It is use to use to collect information about target. It is Information gathering tool.
2. Metasploit - It is a penetration testing framework. It is use to exploit compter or system to secure. it is a most popular tool in kali linux.
3. John The Ripper - John The Ripper is password cracking tool. It is used for password guessing and bruteforce attacking.
4. Wireshark - Wireshark is network network security tool. It is used to analyze network's packets transmitted over network.
5. SqlMap - SqlMap is penetration testing tool. SqlMap help to execute malicious Sql Injection into web database servers.
6. Social Enginnering Toolkit - It is penetrantion testing framework. It is used to perform social engineering attack.
7. Aircrack-ng - Aircrack-ng is a wireless network security testing tool. It is use to testing or secure WPA ?WPA2 network.
8. Netcat - It is a penetration testing tool. It is used port scaning tool and ip scaning tool. Netcat help to find open port on target.
9. BurpSuite - It is a web application penetration testing tool. It is used to test web applictions.
10. Hydra - Hydra is password cracking tool or password guessing tool. It is use to secure password .
Some Imporant Kali Linux Command.
ls is used to display current path files list.
cd is used to change enter into directory.
cp -p
cp -p is used to cupy files.
mv is used to move into another directory.
rm -f
rm -f is used to remove files.