How To Hack Facebook?
Before learn You Have Know How Works Facebook and Server.
Facebook is a wold's most popular and largest social media in woldwide. Facebook' CEO Mark Zuckerberg had realsed in 2004/4 february. Then facebook had 1 billion users in 2004. Now Facebook have 2.74 billon active users in 2021. That Make a Great social Meida. Facebok has Currently and monthly active users 1.73 billion. Accourding to Play store Facebook is second downloaded app and accounding to Google Facebook is 3rd visited website.
How to use facebook And How Works?
How Works Facebook Server?
When people Enter their Information In Facebook then facebook has stored information in server such as a first name, last name email account, mobile number your password. When people share photo, videos, files, pdf etc.. then facebook receive data in server to send your data to your friends. Facebook have more then 10 thousand of coputers servers that helps to receive informations of users.
These Software Make Safe, Secure, Fasted, Fasy For Facebook Users.
- Facebook use LINUX operting system to make secure servers from hackers.
- Facebook use APACHE open source software that is available for free.
- Facebook use PHP open source scripting language, it is also available for free.
- Facebook use MYSQL open source relational database mamnagement system.
Lets Learn To Hack Facebook Account?
Kali Linux Operating System
Then type this command in terminal
Remember login as a user
#apt-get update
#apt-get upgrade
#apt-get install git
#apt-get install python
#git clone
# chmod +x *
Now Enter Target Facebook Id or gmail or Number Like-( Cybermission )
Enter Passwordslist path Like-( /home/root/Desktop/password.list )
Atfer SuccessFull You Will Get Password.
If You Want To Secure Your Social Media And Phone etc.. Then Contact Me Here.