How To Secure SOCIAL Account?
Nowaday social Media is very important part of our life, We can connect each other using social media.
We are spending a lots of time on social media during chating with friends, family, etc..
There are many person use social media account to earn money, business purpose, to growth business and brand because every person have social media.
We share pravite infomation to ours Employees on social media, so that they can work (such as a company's Id and passwords).
We also post ours business brand to reach people so that customer can see brand, materials, Products and can buy then company can growth.
And We also do advertisement on social media of ours band, materials and products to can growth company.
During the process we spend a lots of moneyy.
Atleast We Need to Secure our Social Network because social media have my secret.
Lets Learn To Secure Here
Safe your life on Social Media
Secure Life
If you are using social networks to business purpose then your business and company have been hacked because your all secret and pravite infomation is on social networks.
business can start again but we can't start our life.
Mostly people use social media to talk with friends and they share all personal Photos, videos.
they think secure and alone on social media, They think no any one spy on their social media and they shared all secret and personal infomation with patner on social media. Now smart person think they deleted all secrets chats, Personal Videos, Photos. But Hackers Can Access All Deleted Chats, videos, and Photos. Because you mistaked When You Shared. People are unknown in World of cyber crime, They are unknown to from illegal Hackers. They haven't knowledge about Hacking, These step can distroy people'life, and also these step can End their happiness life because you have been monitored by hacker.
I Mean In Simle Lagauge Your Life Have Been Hacked, you are not safe, your all secret have stolen by someone. someone can control you because your secret is hacked.
Follow These Step To safe Your Life -
1. Never Share Secret On Social Media.
2. Never Share Pravite Infamation.
3. Never Send Personal Photos, Videos With Any.4. Never Use social Media For Personal Chating.
5. Never share Your Business And Company Accessable Things On Social Media.
6. Never Click On Unknown Links.
7. Never Enter Number, Email, Passwords, OTP In Unkown Links.
8. Never Install Unknown Applications.
9. Use Two-Step Verifaction.
10. Update Passwords In 15 Days Or 30 Days
11. Never Use Same Passwords In All Social Media.
12. Be Safe And Secure.
My Passion To Secure The World.
Hello Every Body,
I Am Ethcal Hacker And Security Researcher . And Working To Secure The World. My Work To Secure people's Social Media, Phone, Networks etc...
I Spend Mostly Time In Cyber Securty Fields, and Also Interested In Cyber World.
Safe Your Social Media, Phone, Laptop,
If You Want To Secure Your Social Media And Phone etc.. Then Contact Me Here.
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